Sunday 9 April 2017

Lille: Talents Connection Research

I had signed up to take part in a Talents Connection whilst here at Féte d' l'anim', which I believe is going to be similar to the 'Meet the Experts' event I participated in at MAF. However, I think this event is going to be more of an opportunity for me to show of my work, and so I have come prepared with my showreel, current work-in-progress and business cards.

I've been told that I'm going to be meeting representatives from three different studios (Creative Conspiracy, Mash&Co Srls and Sans Soucis Productions), so I'm going to take this opportunity to research into what they do and what work they have produced in order for me to be prepared for the event.

I made sure to make a few notes to take with me to the event, so I could remember what work each of the companies produced, and use them as potential conversational topics. 

Creative Conspiracy

Delta Lloyd


Mash&Co Srls

Mash&Co Episode 1

Sans Soucis Productions

Les Sansoucis en forme

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