Sunday 9 April 2017

Lille: Talents Connection

I'm really pleased that I had the chance to go to the Talents Connection; It's a shame that one of the studios I was scheduled to meet with didn't show, but talking with Mash&Co and Creative Conspiracy has been a pleasure!

I didn't really know what to expect for this event, so I was a bit nervous when talking with the lady from Creative Conspiracy. The chat was pleasant, but I didn't really push my own work too much as I completely blanked that it was that kind of event, so mostly talked about the work CC produced, and how I really enjoyed their 2D works, and that I was interested in producing 2D work myself. 

The meeting with Vincenzo Merenda of Mash&Co went much better. He seemed really interested in my work, and seemed impressed by the research I had done into his company. I showed a real interest in what they did and really drove forward that I'd love to make work for children, especially because I'm watching a lot of children's TV with my niece. We discussed where their studio was based (Vincenzo told me that he has people working all over, but their main building was at Plaine Images where I had been working for the Marathon de Animation workshop), and what I was looking for. I told him that I was really just hoping to gain experience, whether this be a studio visit, internship or even a job. I expressed my willingness to even travel/move and he seemed pleased by this, though stated that I wouldn't necessarily have to. We exchanged business cards and he said he would be in touch!

I even managed to bump into Vincenzo and co-founder Kat, at a Masterclass later on in the festival, and asked them both how they were finding it and if there were any events they particularly enjoyed. When leaving they said they'd be in touch, so I'm going to leave it a week or so to see if they get back to me, and if not I'll drop them an email.

I'm rather excited about this!

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