Wednesday 3 December 2014

Disseminate: Studio Brief

In yesterday evening's PPP meeting, we were presented with a new studio brief. For this brief we are required to give a ten minute presentation on a topic of our choice (obviously animation related though). We have to pick out what we like/dislike about the work/s, stating why, and comment on our research findings as well as the technique and production of the animation.

As much as the thought of presenting to a class scares the living daylights out of me, I really like the sound of this brief and I'm quite looking forward to it. I will be able to have 10 minutes of undivided attention to talk about something I enjoy. All I need to do now is decide on what I'm going to talk about, which is easier said than done.

We were also given a few tips on giving presentations, which basically consisted of BE ENTHUSIASTIC and concise. We were told not to stress too much about the presentation, and if you find yourself worrying about it or lacking the confidence at the front of the class then "put on a different hat". Which, again, is easier said than done, especially if you have social skills that are on par with a carrot. Having said this, I AM rather excited to get started with this brief, so maybe, just maybe, I've gained some confidence and people skills. Maybe.


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