Monday 13 April 2015

Reflect: Further, Further Progress

I wanted to talk about what I wanted to get out of the course and my time at University, and thought it would be best for me to demonstrate this by holding the programs I wanted to get better at using. I chose Photoshop and Maya as I like working digitally and also because I wanted to explore using 3D. I feel I have made a good start at doing so and I'm definitely looking forward to experimenting further in these fields. 
Finished Drawing

I was really pleased with my drawing, as again it was consistent with the rest of my presentation so far, and it was relevant to what I wanted to talk about. I was happy to leave it as it was, but I thought it might look better if I animated it slightly just to make it that little bit more interesting. I experimented with different brushes to add a glowing light shining from my hands, as well as moving the icons slightly to make it feel as though they were bobbing up and down/floating rather than just being stationary in the image. 

Finished GIF

I think the addition of these subtle movements has greatly improved the piece, as it gives the image more depth by making the icons stand out. It also draws more attention to the program icons which is a bonus as these are what I shall be talking about whilst this slide is being projected. 

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