Monday 13 April 2015

Reflect: More Progress

As I am going to mention the things that I have enjoyed doing, I thought it would be best to also mention the things I have disliked. I really didn't enjoy working with Flash as I couldn't get my head around it and I found it much harder to use than say After Effects. 

I was unsure how I was going to demonstrate this as an image when I got the idea to draw the icon for the program being thrown in the bin. Not only would this show my frustrations with the program and my disliking for it, but I thought it would also look quite comical. 

I went ahead and drew out my idea. It didn't take me very long to do as the components were very basic, but I think it demonstrates my point well. I also included this animation inside the reoccurring oval shape (even though I said previously I wasn't going to do this with my animated pieces) as I think it just finished off the animation nicely and I think it works this time around as it doesn't feel too cramped/"busy".

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