Tuesday 20 October 2015

Personal Development Tools and SWOT Analysis

In our PPP seminar we looked at the development tool that is known as SWOT; our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We looked at these characteristics in ourselves then looked at how we would be able to develop these and play our strengths to help us as practioners, but not just our strengths and weaknesses in general but in specific areas; Personal, Interpersonal, Technical ad Artistic.

I found it quite hard to think of things to write up, but once I had started to really think about it I was able to think of things that I thought were fairly accurate. Generally I found that;

Strengths: Good listener, I don't leave things until last minute, easy to work with, comprehensive, 3D modelling, digital work is improving, good at working with computers.

Weaknesses: Confidence is lacking, A bit of a work-a-holic that can cause me to stress even when it isn't neccessary, my communication, drawing characters in different poses and drawing correct perspectives.

Opportunities: I can drive so I have the opportunity to travel to events and festivals easily, finance doesn't necessarily hold me back, good at social networking in the sense that I get my art work out there and across a number of different websites, critiques.

Threats: Prone to stress out easily, go through periods of putting myself down, lacking in confidence, mental 'wobbles', not knowing how to approach people to create networks, competitors.

Once we had done this we had got into groups to find out what other people thought our SWOTs were, as practioners it is common to overlook strengths and ignore weaknesses. A common strength that people had pointed out was that I was good at technical things such as Maya which was nice to be told, not only because it is something I have recently picked up but because it is also something I am interested in taking further. Ciara also suggested that I try out Maya without the instructions/tutorial, which is a fair point and it is something that I am planning of doing (not just because my brief requires me to).
A weakness that had cropped up in all three of my assessments was that I get distressed too easily so it's obviously something that I need to address. It's also been made clear to me that I need to try harder on approaching people and starting conversations with others as this was again something that all three people had picked up on. It was obvious to me that this is something I needed/wanted to change/address but I hadn't really realised that it was so obvious to other people that I'm cripplingly shy and find it hard to get the conversation going.

I found today's seminar extremely useful and it was nice to see that others are agreeing with my strengths. It's also made me think about some other areas that I hadn't even considered myself to be good at. It's given me a clear guideline of things that I need to work on, and what would be beneficial to me to continue to practice and build on.

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