Sunday 15 May 2016

Brand Me: Making a Promo-Pack

As I already had made myself a business card and a creative CV, I thought it would be wise to make a promotional pack. I completed the pack by making a letterhead, as well as a mock-up of a CD/showreel case and stationary. 

I'm really pleased with how well my branding has gone and how professional it all looks. I like the consistency in style and colour, and the way I have presented it above makes it look like the blue hasn't been over-used. It's definitely beneficial to me that I have made this pack, and I think it would help me further to get a physical copy; not so much the letter head and stationary for now, but I should definitely have at least a showreel and business card to hand if I attend any events or festivals, so that I can get my name out there. 

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