Thursday 9 March 2017

Lille 2017

A couple of months ago, an email was sent around asking whether students were interested in going to Lille to take part in FĂȘte de L'Anim', specifically to attend a video mapping workshop and meet/work with professionals in the industry. I immediately agreed. I have very little experience with projection and video mapping, but I thought this would be a great opportunity to meet new people and network, as well as widen my skill set.

I have since been taken off the Video Mapping workshop to participate in the Marathon de l'Anim, which I'm happy with as this workshop focuses more on animating, which is more tailored to what I want to do.

Now that a brief itinerary has been set to me, I think it's best to start researching the event. I should look to find out what exactly it is that I am going to be doing, so I can prepare myself to work, but also to find out WHO is going. That way I can find out what kind of work different practitioners/companies have produced, and see who is worth trying to approach and network with whilst I'm there.

I definitely need to remember to take my business cards.

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