Thursday 23 March 2017

Smitten Fox: Taking on a Brief

I had met two students at Leeds College of Music when I had gone to meet students to potentially collaborate with for Extended Practice, and though we didn't end up working together for my film, we did exchange contact details and connected with each other on social media. Recently they have got into contact with me saying that they were impressed with the work I was posting to Instagram, and they were wondering if I would be interested in designing the branding for the musical they had written and produced.

The company they had put together to distribute the musical was 'Smitten Fox', and they were hoping I'd be able to design a logo for it. The design they were after was pretty self explanatory; they wanted a fox character looking smitten. Though I wouldn't class character design as my area of expertise, I was happy to take on the brief as it was a good opportunity for me to get work/name out there, as well as a chance to transfer my digital skills to something other than animating.

They were unsure whether they wanted to have just the one character or a fox couple as their logo, so I got started with sketching initial ideas to see what they thought.

Initial Sketches

As they had told me they liked my drawing style on Instagram, I tried to keep the characters looking quite true-to-life as this is how I have worked digitally in the past. I showed them what I had managed to come up with so far before I carried out any further designs, to see if this is what they were looking for. They said they really liked the first fox that I had drawn, and when I asked if they needed any more sketches in order to make a decision on what they wanted, they told me no and that they were happy for me to go ahead an develop that design. 

Which is what I shall do. 

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