Wednesday 8 October 2014

So Apparently I'm a Protector?

In yesterday's PPP lecture we were analysing ourselves in two different ways. The first involved deciding on whether we considered ourselves to be an introvert or an extrovert, whether we had "sensing" or "intuition" factor, e.t.c, by looking at lists of characteristics. The four letter "word" that was generated from the choices we made was our unique personality type. The second way we did this was by looking at different aspects of our life (for example family, finance, energy) and rating them on a scale of one to ten. The purpose of this task was to see how in balance we were.

I didn't really find the first of much use. For me it was hard to decide which letter I truly fell under as there were many different characteristics that could have easily applied to me. I also felt that the descriptions were purely situational, and it was hard to choose which was the most relevant to me as it would have depended on the situation I was in. Then again, I did find it interesting to see what I was considered to be-I got INFJ, and apparently I'm a protector?- but I did however, find that the second method of self-anaylsis was much more helpful. Again, I reckon a lot of the answers I gave could have been down to the mood I was in at the time, so it wasn't necessarily more accurate than the first, but it did make me think about what I'm like as a whole and that I should consider trying to maintain or even improve the relationships I have to try and keep me content and at my happiest, and try and convert some of my negativity into something good, so I can feel more accomplished. 

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