Wednesday 22 October 2014

Tips for Reflection and Evaluation

Yesterday's PPP presentation was dead useful. We basically went through the do's and dont's of writing evaluations and were given some tips for when it came to reflecting and giving presentations. I have wrote quite a lot of evaluations before, but I have been out of practice for a long, long while, and I doubt that any of them would have been as important as the ones I'm going to have to write, so it was very helpful to me that we went through that, especially because I can sometimes struggle with lengthy writing tasks. It also helped clear up exactly what it is that I need to do in terms if blogging. It's something I've never done before and I've been unsure of what to write as well as what I have written being "correct". It made me realise that I am at least roughly on the right track. 

The class was short and sweet but gave me so much useful information, and made me realise the importance of annotating images and work, as well as DOCUMENTING EVERYTHING. 

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