Tuesday 14 October 2014

Treasure Planet: You've Got The Makings of Greatness in You

Treasure Planet is a film by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It was released in 2002 and is arguably my favourite film of all time. Let me tell you why.

For starters I used to watch this film ALL THE TIME as a child, so there is a hint of nostalgia for me when I watch it, but let's not let that be bias factor in all of this. There are still many reasons as to why I can consider this film to be in (at least) my top five. The first is the characters. I think the characters are fantastic. They are so interesting, quirky and different, and even though majority of them aren't human, they aren't that far fetched in my opinion. They also give the main characters just the right amount of background story for you to understand what makes them how they are and what they had been through to get where they are. Especially with Jim. Jim's story in my opinion was perfect, and it differs from other Disney films, which is another reason why I like Treasure Planet so much (SLIGHT SPOILERS INCOMING). To my understanding it's the only Disney film that deals with the father being away/leaving, usually it's the other way around or the death of a/both parent/s. I think they handled this subject beautifully, and chose to explain what actually happened in Jim's past at just the right time. They let you grow an attachment to the characters first, and then gave you the insight which only strengthens this love for the character and really makes you appreciate the relationship he forms with Silver. This montage also makes you appreciate what Jim's mother goes/went through. This scene is by far my favourite of the film, and is also one that hits very close to home. Granted, the events in the film didn't happen to me, but because of my own situation it means that I can relate to the characters a lot more. I guess that's another reason why I adore this film so much. 
Not just this, I also adore the story as a whole. I think it has been put together brilliantly, and the settings are stunning. There has been so much detail put into the world that they have created that I just get lost in it every time I watch it. I love the fantasy/futuristic theme, and how inventive and imaginative they have been with the set, well the film as a whole to be honest. A good example of this is the moon being a space port, and just the idea of the character Morph.
Another reason why I love this film is for the soundtrack. I'm quite a fan of The Goo Goo Dolls/John Rzeznik, and the song (I'm still here) that he wrote for the film is, in my eyes, gorgeous. It's a lovely song, and again works so well in that particular scene.

I could ramble on and go into more detail about the things that I like about the film, but I think I'm going to stop here as I have covered the major points, and if I continue I will eventually just pick out every single feature of the film. So to summarise, I think this film is spectacular. It might not be a very popular opinion but I stand by it.

"Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta' take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls. And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And…well; I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day".

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