Tuesday 12 May 2015

Effective Presentation Tips and Combating Presentation Anxiety

A long, long while ago, I sat through a presentation on how to give a good presentation. Where as I found a lot of the information to be self-explanatory - such as making the visuals easy on the eyes (easy to read and not using harsh colours for text/backgrounds) - I found the presentation to be extremely useful. It stressed the importance of knowing your audience,  and speaking to them as if they knew nothing about what you were presenting. This would encourage you to be informative about who you are and what you are doing/talking about, all the while being concise. But your slides shouldn't be a replacement of you, but instead be used as a way to point out key information in which you can build upon.

So Basically:

- Know your audience
- Know your subject
- Prepare yourself
- Don't use bullet points (irony)

We were also given a presentation on how to combat presentation anxiety shortly after. The nature of the presentation was practically the same, and basically told me to practice my material and try to remain calm though I did find this presentation to be a massive help when it came to doing my presentations for both Disseminate and Reflect briefs. It reminded me that I had to practice my material and to make sure I knew what I was talking about (which in hindsight I should have done more for my Disseminate presentation) and to remain calm.

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