Tuesday 12 May 2015

Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice is a way of looking at your own work or that of others, to critically identify what we are doing and how well we are doing it. It's obviously very important that we do this so we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, and build upon them to improve in the future. We can also look at other people's work to either see why it was successful and how we can be successful in our own work, or the opposite and find out what we should avoid doing ourselves.

We were shown Gibb's Reflective Cycle which outlines how you can effectively criticise your practice/work. I find that it is a good guide to follow, and in the future I should refer to it more often when talking about my work especially when I am struggling on what to write. I think it will help me to easily identify what has gone wrong/right, and allow me to improve in the future. 

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