Thursday 7 May 2015

The Animated Self: Adding Some Colour

Colouring in the girl surprisingly didn't take that long, only about 2-3 hours roughly and because of this completing the entire animation in colour before my deadline doesn't sound like such a far-fetched goal. I think it could easily be achieved if I continue to work like I have for the past few days; fast paced and focused. 

Girl in Colour

Even though the colouring is only basic, I think it has greatly improved the piece and it has made me excited to see what it's going to be like in full colour. Adding the colour has also made me think about the positioning of the layers, as the girl weaves in and out of the scenery. I have broken the original layer into three separate layers (at the back, in the middle and at the front) so that when I colour in the background and the other components, I can arrange them accordingly so she will move around the props.

I think it would be nice to add a little bit of shading to the girl if I find the time once I have finished the rest of the colour. It's not going to be something I aim to get completed for my deadline however, as I think this will be pushing the workload I can handle. BUT we shall see how it goes.

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