Monday 11 May 2015

The Animated Self: Completed Animation

After weeks of frustration, I have finally finished my animation. Once I had altered the hand positioning, I exported the animation so I could open the file up in Premiere and add sound. I found clips of birds chirping on a royalty free sound effects website, and downloaded the ones that I thought would be most suitable and had these play alongside the animation. I extended the first frame of the animation so that I could make the audio fade in before the movement of the character started. 

Prancing in Spring - Finished Animation

I know I had encountered a few problems along the way, but I'm glad I did as it has made me wiser and I will know to avoid them in the future, and how I can overcome them if I encounter them again. For instance photographing my frames using the correct camera settings. This definitely would have saved me a lot of time and consequently a lot of stress. Despite all this, I have been able to create an animation that I am proud of, one that in my opinion has realistic, fluid movements which I'm happy that I have been able to create. 

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