Saturday 19 November 2016

Manchester Animation Festival: Fox and the Whale

Fox and the Whale - Trailer

Fox and the Whale is something that stood out to me at MAF, but I have very mixed feelings about it. The first thing I have to say about the film is that, visually, it was stunning. It is obvious that a lot of time and effort has been put into the design of this film, and all aspects of it have been carefully considered resulting in breath-taking visuals. The lighting is very realistic, and has been used to convey emotion in different ways. The scenery is also beautifully textured making this also seem very real. In fact, the only aspect of this film that doesn't look realistic are the characters, but even because of the way they have been designed and subtly textured, they fit seamlessly with the background. The fact that they cast shadows and have light hitting them in just the correct way makes them feel as though they belong in that environment. 

Visually I can't fault this animation. I also think the sound design has done wonders. But for me, the reason why this film wasn't as successful was down to the story. I thought the narrative of the story was lacking, and I found myself rather bored towards the end of the film. There just wasn't anything really engaging about the narrative. 

What I'm taking away from this is that the narrative of the film is just as important as its design. Without an engaging or interesting plot, you're going to lose the attention of your audience; there is only so much pretty visuals can do. I'm going to strive to achieve a nice balance of the two with my own film. 

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