Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Lifting Tower Brief: Forming a New Group

Since the last briefing our group has been split up. We have been encouraged to mingle with illustration students, so myself and Emma have teamed up with Tom, and we picked up Greta along the way. Our previous ideas have followed Katy and James to their new group, and we have been left to work with the ideas that Tom received feedback for, which I think are really interesting.

We have sat down as a group and discussed what we would like to do for this brief, more precisely what we would like to have our Yeti and Penguin characters do. We made a long list of all the actions and small narratives that we thought would be suitable, and thumb-nailed ideas from there. Once we were happy, me and Emma but together some rough storyboards to present to Jim at Lumen, who is in charge of this brief.

Initial Storyboards

Jim was happy with our ideas, but advised us to try and make the most of the space on the building, and to be careful about the colours we choose for the characters and the textures we use, if any. As we had the 'go ahead', we decided to distribute roles and work load. Tom is going to be the designer, and shall make up assets that myself, Emma and Greta, are going to animate in After Effects. 

Tom's Yeti Design

Tom has since designed the Yeti character, and has made sure to make the limbs on separate layers, so now we can make a start on animating; we just need to assign each other different ideas/narratives to work with. 

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