Wednesday 9 November 2016

Branding Review

A year has passed since I set up my branding and my online media presence, so I thought it would be appropriate to review whether it's still relevant.  I think it is. I'm still happy with my name/tag handle as it's unique and easy to say and remember, and my logo still accurately represents how I want to come across; smiley and creative. Though I do think it would be a good idea to start making more illustrations that involve myself again, similar to the one featured below, to just update people on what I'm into and what I'm doing. It's also where a lot of my Instagram following came from, and it is work I'm interested in making, as it combines my personality and figure/gesture drawing, something I'm definitely interested in pursuing and getting better at.

I may want to revisit this again in a couple of months time, and maybe just vamp up the logo and channel art as my drawing skills develop or change. As it stands I'm happy with how I come across and my consistency across all my online platforms, even on my business cards (that I intend to dish out at Manchester Animation Festival). Though, I am going to put in the effort to set up a website, and try to post more on Twitter to maintain my online presence and get across that I'm interested in the world of animation. Other than that I think I'm quite on top of social media. I've began to update my Instagram almost daily, and now that I'm back at uni and making more animations, I'm posting to YouTube again.

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