Saturday 19 November 2016

Manchester Animation Festival: HOUND


This is an example of a short film, where the execution of the production has worked wonders for the story. The story itself is quite simple; it is basically a series of short narratives that accurately portray the personalities of different breeds of dogs. The film is very silly and playful, and the way that the dogs have been designed and animated gives them lots of character appeal. You can instantly relate to this film if you are a dog lover yourself, because the personalities of the animals have been carefully considered and have been portrayed with very recognizable traits.

Though the concept is quite simple, the animation is not. It displays good use of the animation principles to really enhance the performance of these dogs. A good example of overlapping action/drag occurs at 1:20 when the dog is elegantly waving its hair/ears around. 

Overall I think this was a great film, and it has proved that a story can be greatly improved if the animation is of good quality. Again, I shall need to bare in mind timing when producing my own work, and really try to nail the principles of animation, as this short has proved that it really does make a difference.

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