Friday 4 March 2016

Onform Sketches

For responsive I saw that a lot of students were submitting drawings to Onform as one of their individual practice briefs. I really liked this idea but I had already completed all of my individual briefs, so instead I thought I would submit a couple of entries for my own entertainment, with hopes of developing my Photoshop skills and broadening my portfolio and the range of work that I featured on my social media. I actually managed to gain a couple of followers across my different accounts when I posted my work too, which is always a bonus!

Onform Submissions Weeks 26, 27, 28 & 29

 I definitely thought that these were beneficial to me, as it really made me use my imagination and got me thinking how the shape could be incorporated into a character or design. I found that I was also not jumping on the first idea I came up with too, and I would come up with many different ideas for each shape as I wanted my drawing to be unique compared to other entries (there were multiple entries that had more-or-less the same idea for the same shape, just executed in different ways).
Onform also limits you in terms of colour, and sketches that include anything other than grey-scale and the colour of the shape won't be considered, and I have never been constrained by colour before so it was a new experience for me.

I also took this as a good opportunity to work with the pen tool in Photoshop (for some of my designs). It has been suggested to me before because you can create smooth lines but is something that I've always avoided as I haven't had success with it with other programs. I soon found that it was a lot easier to use than say the pen tool on Illustrator, and I definitely think using it improved the look of some of my pieces. I found it especially useful when I was trying to trace the shape I was given, as the pen tool allowed me to do this accurately without creating a wobbly line.

You are also time constricted, and each shape is only up for a week. Though this is more than enough time to complete the task, it did further teach me the importance of submitting in good time, as my first design didn't actually end up getting showcased on their website, as it was submitted just too late.

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