Thursday 26 March 2015

Emperor's New Groove: The Poison. The Poison For Kuzco, The Poison Chosen Especially to Kill Kuzco, Kuzco's Poison. That Poison?

The Emperor's New Groove is another film that I grew up watching, which I still enjoy watching today. Where I don't think it's one of the best films that Disney has produced, it is still one of my favourites.

I think the animation in this film is spot on, but I think it is in the backgrounds that this film is lacking. Don't get me wrong, I think the style works very well for this film, but they definitely aren't the most detailed that Disney have produced. A lot of them are made up of basic colours and shapes with the exception of the odd detail. This is fine, because when the setting is an important factor in the story, there is more detailed included to help set the scene, but otherwise the backgrounds are quite basic in comparison to some of their other films. I think this works great for this film though, as the focus is clearly on the characters, and the basic backgrounds help to divert your attention towards them.

Examples of Minimal Backgrounds

Which brings me to the characters. They really hit the nail on the head with the characters in this film. They're a lot different to their usual characters, and have personalities and traits that make the film very humorous. The plot itself is quite simple, but the characters and the gags definitely make it worth watching. I especially like that they talk to the audience in a couple of scenes, as not only is it entertaining to watch, but also makes the viewer more involved and helps them to connect to the characters.

Interacting with the Audience

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