Thursday 26 March 2015

The Magic Roundabout: Have You Seen Our Friend Doogal? Big Black Nose, Looks Like a Bad Hair Day on Legs.

I used to love watching The Magic Roundabout as a child and it's only recently that I have rediscovered it. Now, this 2005 movie adaption generally got mixed reviews. Some found that they didn't like it as they very much preferred the original series (I never watched the show, so I can't particularly comment on this) where as some critics thought the producers did a good job at retaining the charm from the series. The American version on the other hand was considered to be one of the worst movies of all time.

The film had also been criticised for its subtle drug references, which shocked me when I heard about it as I didn't think there was an drug use in the film. Having watched it back I couldn't believe the amount of drug related references are made, ones that I clearly didn't pick up on as a child (for example: Zebedee: "Nothing will grow, not even grass." Dylan: "No grass? Right we've got a problem, man.")  It's now come to my attention that Dylan is a "massive stoner". Having found this out it hasn't ruined my view on the film, instead it has only made it more humorous for me as it is something that went undetected (for me) for years. Not only this, but I am a sucker for bad puns and this film makes a lot of them, which is one of the many reasons why I like it. 

Another reason that I love this film, besides the obvious nostalgia I get from watching it, is the characters. I don't know if the film does the characters from the original series any justice as I had never watched it, but I like how lovable they all are and the relationships they have with one another. I like that they also have very believable and relate-able traits, for instance Dougal eating sweets all the time, Dylan always sleeping/being tired, etc. I think it's the fact that you can relate to the characters that has made the film so successful, that and the obvious fact it has adapted the original series in an entertaining way.

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