Thursday 26 March 2015

Nightmare Before Christmas: What's This?! There's Colour Everywhere!

Nightmare Before Christmas was one of the first ever Tim Burton films I had seen. For a long time I put off watching this film back when it was getting lots of hype, because what I had heard about it didn't necessarily jump out at me. Eventually I caved and watched it with two of my sisters and I immediately saw why it was getting so much attention, which frankly, I think it deserved. The story was actually entertaining and put a creative twist on the two seasons that are featured in the film. It also had a number of catchy songs that were in my head for days after having watched the film, and the one referenced in the title of this blog post still lingers in my head if I hear the tune played.

What I liked most about this film, was the amount of effort and commitment that had obviously been put into it, which I can appreciate a lot more now that I have experimented with stop motion myself. At the peak of the production, there had been 20 individual stages that were being simultaneously used for filming, and in total 109,440 frames were taken for the movie. The filmmakers had also constructed 227 puppets to represent the different characters in the film, each having many different components to help animate them. Jack Skellington for example had around 400 heads to allow for his different facial expressions to be animated. The film really is a beautiful work of stop-motion, which accurately captures Burton's Gothic style, which I have grown to be quite a fan of.

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