Thursday 26 March 2015

Howl's Moving Castle: Here's Another Curse For You - May All Your Bacon Burn.

It's only recently that I have started to watch Studio Ghibli's films. I had heard of the animation studio, but I had never actually got around to watching any of their creations. What a fool I was. I wish I had watched them sooner because they are mind-numbingly beautiful, and I certainly would have benefited from having them in my life sooner.

Howl's Moving Castle was the first film of their's that I sat down and watched all the way through and I immediately fell in love with it. Everything about the film is gorgeous and I honestly can't find fault with it. 

For starters, the film is visually breathtaking. Just take the example shown above, the attention to detail in this scene is phenomenal, yet the clutter in the background doesn't retract from the action and the movement of the characters. The characters are drawn with a thin, black defining edge to make them stand out from the background, but because it's ever so subtle they still feel as though they belong in that space. 

Secondly, the film is beautifully animated. All the movements in the movie are very fluid and believable and they really help you to get lost in the beautifully drawn world. Just take how the character's hair and clothes rustle and float in the wind for example. It's such a subtle movement but has been captured perfectly. Which leads me onto the characters themselves. The characters have been designed with masses of appeal as they have great personalities. Sophie is a girl who isn't necessarily considered to be "pretty" especially when compared to the girls in her family. She is quite plain and her clothes don't suit her, yet Howl considers her to be very beautiful, Howl being a character that seems to be a bit of a lone wolf (with the exception of Calcifer). 

Howl's Moving Castle - English Trailer

Lastly, the plot of this film is extremely creative and entertaining. It's not like anything I have ever seen before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There wasn't a moment that I found myself bored. Definitely would recommend it to anyone.

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