Monday 22 May 2017

Invoicing Workshop

An Invoice is another document that I was completely oblivious to prior to this workshop. I had a vague idea of what it was, but wasn't confident about what should be included on one or what it was used for exactly. I now know that an invoice is quite simply a bill that identifies the work you are going to carry out and how much each job is going to cost your client. 

The invoice needs to include:
- Heading outlining the document is in-fact an INVOICE.
- My name/brand/company and details
- My bank details (so I can actually get paid)
- The clients name and details
- The date the invoice was issued
- Payment terms
- Invoice number (Easier to keep this number in sequence. Start at 0000001 and work up!)
- Amount owed

I also learnt that it can be considered quite rude to chase up payments straight away. Usually it is good practice to wait  a while for payments as companies can sometimes operate on 30-60 day cycles, which I wasn't aware of. 

My Invoice

An Invoice can be branded and be as visually interesting as you like, so I took the opportunity to make my own invoice as part of my own business stationary, that was consistent with the rest of my brand. I kept the colour scheme and logo consistent, but made sure that the document was still clear and legible. I also made a Black and White version that would save on printing costs should the document need to be printed out, which looks just as professional. 

Overall, I have found this workshop to be extremely helpful. Though I may not need to use an invoice until later in the future, I am definitely prepared for the possibility and much more confident about working for myself. 

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