Wednesday 24 May 2017

Studio Research: Studio Liddell

Studio Liddell is one of the companies I had the pleasure of speaking with at MAF at the Meet the Experts event. The company was founded in Manchester in 1996. They produce a range of different work from creating imagery for advertising to developing and producing entire children's TV shows, technical animation, Apps, and Virtual & Augmented Reality.

Though their work seems to be predominately 3D, they have worked with 2D before. What really stood out to me was their Mouse and Mole at Christmas Time animation. I particularly like the detailed backgrounds, and how the line work is prominent and quite sketchy in areas; it's a style I find myself working with when I'm drawing environments too. It is a very heartwarming animation, that looks very beautiful and suitable for all the family.

Mouse and Mole

Though they are very focused on 3D work, it's still a company I wouldn't mind working for. It's local which is a plus as I'm not interested in moving away just yet, and they do produce children's animations and TV shows which is something I would be interested in pursuing. It doesn't say that there are any jobs available on their website, but I thought it would be a good idea to get in contact with Tracy anyway, and see what she might have to say about my showreel. 

Emailing Tracey

I made sure to attach a link to my website aswell, as I have had 3D experience in the past, and wouldn't mind returning to work with 3D if it meant I'd gain some experience. Who knows, they may be working on more 2D oriented work in the future?

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