Wednesday 24 May 2017

Studio Research: Sixteen South

Sixteen South is the company that produces Lily's Driftwood Bay. I LOVE Lily's Driftwood Bay. It is a very unique show that uses multi-media, for a very textured and interesting style. What I didn't realise is that everything is made up of things that have been washed up on the beach, which has only made me appreciate the show even more. I've seen a lot of the episodes as I like to watch them with my niece, and I think the show is brilliant. The characters are interesting and the story really pushes imagination and creativity. It has a cut-out animation style, that I think works really well with the show.

Lily's Driftwood Bay

Like I have mentioned before this is a style of animation that I could see myself being able to produce, and being a fan of the show it would be an amazing opportunity to be able to gain experience/work here. The only downside with this studio is that they are based in Belfast in Ireland. Right now I'm not wanting to move away, but could always be somewhere I try apply to in the future, as I am interested in working on children's TV shows, which is what the company solely produces.

If they were to offer studio visits or short work placements, I would definitely be interested, but I wouldn't be able to afford to move out to Ireland. Not just yet anyway. 

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