Wednesday 24 May 2017

I've come to Realise...

Whilst researching different studios for potential places I'd like to work for/gain experience at, I've discovered that there isn't much I wouldn't like to do. As long as the studio is fairly local and works in 2D, I'm game. At this stage I'm really just hoping to gain experience and find out what it is I would NOT like to do. I haven't had enough experience in one specific area to say I don't want to do said thing. Apart from 3D Rigging. I definitely don't want to do that.

So the plan for me at this stage is just to continue to apply for jobs/internships/experience in the area and see what comes of it. But I know that I don't want to move away from home just yet. I want to be able to find my feet in an area that I am familiar with, before I reach out to studios that are further away. I have seen a lot of studios I like the look of in both Ireland and London, but I just don't have the finances to be able to live out there right now.

I'm also going to take the time to finish my final film and send it out to festivals. If this goes well - and I'm hoping it does - this could always lead to jobs too, especially as I am planning to target festivals in the area, such as MAF and LIFF. I think it's important to stay in the loop after leaving uni, so I'm also going to put effort in to attend festivals rather than just submit to them, as they are obviously great networking opportunities. Not only this, but I am making more of a conscious effort to follow more studios on Twitter and social media in hopes of getting my name out there a bit more, and to be able to see first hand whether there are opportunities available. I have started following a few accounts that just post about jobs in animation, so I'll make sure to keep an eye on their feeds to see if anything relevant comes about.

Animation Jobs

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