Tuesday 23 May 2017

Creating a Website

I thought it would be a good idea for me to make my own website. It's a great platform to showcase all of your work and contact information, and when done well can be very professional. I thought it would give me the upper hand for when I begin to contact studios looking for work/experience, and it will be easier for me to show them what I do with the use of a website too.

Website Pages

Again, I made sure to make my branding consistent across the pages and I think the end result looks really professional; at least I feel more like a professional now I have the website. I even bought the domain name. 

I had to be really critical with the work I decided to showcase. I featured only stills from my films on my home page, making sure to leave out films/animations that weren't as strong. There are links to my other social media pages on every page of the website, so this work can still be accessed. I also scanned in a lot of work from my sketchbooks that I thought we good examples of linework and featured them on my portfolio page, along with work in progress images, pre-production art boards and life drawing. 

With my about me and contact me pages (where I have wrote about myself and addressed the audience/viewer) I tried to have a good balance of professionalism and insight into my personality, to try and get across that I'd be a friendly person to work alongside. Not only that, but I have my CV and position statement for me to be formal, so I wanted my website to be more of an insight to how I am as a practitioner. 

I'm very pleased with my website, and have since tweeted about it, and updated my social media with a link to the site address in my Bios. 

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