Wednesday 24 May 2017

Studio Research: More Yorkshire Studios!

Northforge are based in Leeds and work with companies to make "anything that moves", whether that's animation for TV, web, corporate, in-store or VR. I particularly liked their animation for Unilever, as I liked the colour scheme and how it remained consistent throughout, and the transitions between scenes and components. I generally just thought it was very well animated.

Unilever Brightfuture

Their other 2D work seems to be of a similar nature to this animation. Though it may not be the most interesting work that I've looked at, it is very well made, and it's something I wouldn't mind doing myself if it allowed me to get experience in the industry. I'd very much like to push to find something that is more tailored to character animation or working on projects that have a narrative, this could always be an option for me.

Hungry Sandwich Club is another studio based in Leeds. They specialise in Illustration, Animation and Motion Graphics. Like Little Motel, they are also based at Duke Studios.

I think they produce some good work. I like their general style, and how they've been able to apply it to a number of different briefs. It seems very fun and very silly, though there's nothing that really reached out to me and grabbed my attention. It's all very cute, and cleanly made, but for me I'd want to really push character personality or narrative. 

Their showreel

That's not to say I wouldn't like to work there though. It does seem like they work on a lot of fun projects, and I'd definitely be able to learn something new and expand my skills, just not necessarily in the area I'm striving for.

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