Monday 22 May 2017

Showreel Tips

Before I made a start on producing my own showreel, I wanted to quickly research what other people thought made a good showreel. After looking at other studio's reels I had an idea of what I wanted to do for myself, but just to be sure I looked up some tips on the dos and don't of showreels.

- Get permission for the work/music you're featuring.
- Have your contact details clearly at the end of the showreel.
- Include your best work.
- Quality over Quantity
- Start and end well.
- Tailor your showreel for the job you are applying for/what you are wanting to do.
- Make a strong impression with the first clip.

- Have your showreel last too long.
- Show everything you have. Instead be selective about your work and pick out the best clips.
- Include ALL your work. Just the strong clips.

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