Tuesday 23 May 2017

Showreel 2017

My Showreel

For my showreel I have chosen to showcase clips from Kites, From a Child's Eye, Lifting Tower Projections, Marathon De Animation and A2 Milk. All of which are 2D which is how I want to market myself, so I left out the 3D work I did for Telling Tales, despite being proud of that work. I also left out other work that I have done in the past despite it being 2D (for instance my Changes in Gaming Infographic and previous loop de loop submissions), as I didn't think it was as strong as the work I have recently produced. 

I don't have to worry about copyright with this showreel, as I asked Cameron, a music student from LCoM, whether he'd be interested in making a track for me. I was delighted with the results, and I think it has greatly improved my reel. It conveys a tone-of-voice which I think is very suited to my work and my personality; friendly and lighthearted. 

Overall I'm really pleased with my showreel. I think it showcases my best work very well and gets across my character animation focus. It also shows my engagement with live briefs and external experiences outside of university, which can be used as a conversation starter for potential interviews. 

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